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Social Studies Videos
GED Social Studies 1.1 Civics and Government
Archaeology Videos 2 videos
This video defines Archaeology through a discussion of what Archaeologists study—from artifacts to the Pyramids. Why is Archaeology so important?...
What does King Richard III have to do with parking lots? And what does Middle Age rock music sound like? You've got questions, we've got answers.&#...
Careers Videos 12 videos
This job's got it all right in the title. Alcohol, tobacco, firearms, could anything keep this job from being exciting? Well, maybe all the paperwo...
Look… you know this video is going to be filled with butt jokes. We know this videos is going to be filled with butt jokes. Just press play and w...
College 101 Videos 6 videos
Grab a char-dog and watch out for flaming birds, it's time to take a tour of the University of Chicago. Oh and erm, if you would sign this waiver f...
Whether it's a career in business, science, or education, UOP's got you covered. Oh, but you should know, they're not actually on the pacific ocean...
Famous Biographies Videos 22 videos
Don't get your hopes up,this guy isn't here to pump you up with his brother, Hans. Franz was more into pumping you down, with dark and scary storie...
Unlike most writers we hear about from the 1800s, Twain was actually pretty famous and respected in his day...although not for his real name, of co...
Orwell had a lot of pretty dismal views about what the world could be like in the future Good thing they didn't come true...or did they? Nah, we do...
Finance Videos 1063 videos
What is bankruptcy? Deadbeats who can't pay their bills declare bankruptcy. Either they borrowed too much money, or the business fell apart. They t...
How are risk and reward related? Take more risk, expect more reward. A lottery ticket might be worth a billion dollars, but if the odds are one in...
What is liquidity? Think: water. It's liquid. It can be squeezed into little, tiny spaces and infused into large spaces. A defining trait of liquid...
Government Videos 12 videos
Would it be necessary and proper for Congress to mandate a national nap time? Probably not, but we wouldn't mind it.
The Bill of Rights was made to protect Americans from too many restrictions and regulations in addition to ensuring our well-being under our govern...
The Constitution of the United States is the highest law in the land: it's a written statement of the core principles of the American government. I...
History Trivia Videos 32 videos
What does King Richard III have to do with parking lots? And what does Middle Age rock music sound like? You've got questions, we've got answers.&#...
History of Technology Videos 160 videos
What's the deal with wind? And why does it have to be so...windy?
How did people move stuff around before the wheel was invented? More importantly, why didn't they take a break for a few minutes from moving stuff...
Humanities Videos 55 videos
The gods and heroes battle it out with monsters in the best of mythology.
Today we aren't looking for the most virtuous person, or most likeable, but rather the most disturbing. Will it be Echo, the nymph who is doomed to...
Modern World History Videos 86 videos
Today we're tackling unions, a.k.a. the people who brought you weekends, a.k.a. the greatest people who have ever existed. We'd send them a thank y...
PBIS Videos 82 videos
Ben Franklin famously said, “nothing is certain, except death, and the attitude your cat will give you after you’ve been gone for a while.”...
You should be determined to watch this video about determination. Can you tell we weren’t determined to think up anything more clever than that...
It’s hard to stay safe online. Heck, you don’t even know who we are. Are we Shmoop, or are we just highly trained chickens, typing out these de...
Psychology Videos 1 videos
AP Psychology 3.3 Developmental Psychology. In which stage does a person decide their work-life balance and how to have healthy relationships?
Test Prep Videos 641 videos
AP U.S. History Exam 2.45. The journey shown on the map was an example of...what?
AP U.S. History Exam 2.26. This speech reinforced a shift in the focus of the war that Lincoln established by...what?
What did the Spanish messengers bring with them to North America? Hint: you probably wouldn't be thrilled to get this for your next birthday.
U.S. History Videos 374 videos
Ever heard of a "living document"? They eat and breathe just like the rest of us! They even walk around on their own two legs. Okay, fine—maybe t...
Who was Virginia Hall, and how did she give Wonder Woman a run for her money? Hit play to find out.
World History Videos 95 videos
Didn't get enough of the French Revolution the first time around? We've gotcha covered. Check out our second French Revolution video, preferably wi...