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Literary Forms Videos
Books are meant to be enjoyed. Sure, authors have different motives for their works—some may want to start a revolution while others hope to deliver a good beach read. However, the point is that you should keep an open mind, no matter what those Amazon reviews say.
Memoir Videos 1 videos
Memoir. n. A book in which you write down all your thoughts and memories so that millions of randos can get to know far more about you and your fam...
Plays Videos 14 videos
This video summarizes the play A Raisin in the Sun. It discusses the Youngers, members of an African-American family trying to better themselves wh...
Love potions are tricky business (not that we've ever tried using one, of course). They can make you fall in love with the wrong person…or, in th...
In the world of Shakespeare, pretty much everyone either dies or gets married. Hamlet and co. got the short end of that stick.
Poetry Videos 25 videos
This video explains how to scan and diagram a poem or other work of literature for meter and line length and identifies the metrical description of...
Short Stories Videos 2 videos
What would YOU do if the heart of the person you buried under the floorboards started making noise? Only one way to find out... (Note: Shmoop does...
Oh ye of small attention spans: if novels don't float your boat, short stories just might. Even if that boat is less of an oil tanker and more of a...