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What's a lock-up agreement? We think it has something to do with a shiv, but let's watch this video, just in case.
What are Capital Markets? The most often context used for “Capital Markets” is in corporate finance and investment banking, and it refers prima...
What are overbought and oversold? Hit play to find out.
Selling away is the practice of selling securities that aren't under the seller's auspices to sell.
What is the Alternative Minimum Tax? Alternative minimum tax is a different way of calculating tax liability. It’s only available to some individ...
The Russell Index is a series of indices that tracks the progress of stocks in a given basket. Aw. We were hoping it tracked adorable Jack Russell...
The Investment Company Act of 1940 regulated and ensured fair dealings in the mutual fund industry.
What is After Tax Yield? After tax yield is simply how much an investment makes (or yields) after taxes have been paid. This term refers to bond yi...
What is due diligence? Basically, it's... doing your research. You're preparing to make an investment or purchase, and you want to make sure there...
What is liquidity? Think: water. It's liquid. It can be squeezed into little, tiny spaces and infused into large spaces. A defining trait of liquid...
A liquid market is a market featuring high trading volumes, i.e. investors actually want to put their cash to work.
What is a Country Basket (Index Fund)? Investing internationally can be a challenge, as foreign exchange, different accounting rules, time zones an...
A primary offering is just an IPO - the initial public offering of a given stock. Primary shares are the shares of that stock that are sold... publ...
What is a road show? In order to generate excitement about a new product, companies often resort to social media as well as the more conventional t...
What is a Day Trade? A day trade is a trade done in the public markets where the buy and the sell are both done on the same day, thus marking the n...
What is an Affiliated Person or Affiliated Investor? An affiliated person is known as an insider in the financial world. These are the people who h...
What does it mean to "go public?" An IPO raises cash in the form of equity, usually, for investors. When public, a company exists under SEC dominio...
What is an Associated Person? An associated person is just an employee of a broker or a dealer that are involved in trading. These people must be c...
Comparative advantage refers to what one party sacrifices in order to create a product or service compared to another. The one who loses out less h...