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What does “Breaking the Buck” mean? Breaking the buck means that a money market fund’s value has dropped to less than $1. This happens becaus...
Market manipulation is manipulation of the, uh... market. Like...illegally. Yeah, any sort of "scheme" is probably something you want to avoid.
What is Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO)? A CMO is a mortgage bond that consists of a large number of different individual mortgages bundle...
What are Capital Markets? The most often context used for “Capital Markets” is in corporate finance and investment banking, and it refers prima...
What is short interest theory? Watch this not-so-short video to find out.
What is Above Full Employment Equilibrium? Above Full Employment Equilibrium happens when an economy is basically doing more than it realistically...
What are Bond Anticipation Notes (BANS), Revenue Anticipation Notes (RANS), and Tax Anticipation Notes (TANS)? BANS, RANS and TANS are all short-te...
What is the Fast Market Rule? The fast market rule is something that is used in the U.K. to keep the market under control when any sort of crash ha...
What is Arbitrage? Arbitrage is a trading strategy used to make risk-free money. The investor buys a security in one market and sells it in another...
What are lenders? Lenders are parties which can be individuals, groups or institutions that are engaged in making liquid funds that they either own...
What is an Agency Bond? Agencies bonds are issued by government agencies, not the treasury. The typical government bonds (T-bills, T-notes, and suc...
Painting the tape is an illegal way to manipulate stock prices. And yes, it’s still illegal, even if you paint it super pretty.
What was the Tax Reform Act of 1986? Hit play to find out.
What is Disinflation? Disinflation is a term used for an interim slowdown of inflation rate. For example, a reduction of inflation growth from 3.5%...
What's a lock-up agreement? We think it has something to do with a shiv, but let's watch this video, just in case.
What are the Santa Claus rally and the January effect? We really hope it involves Wall Street professionals dressing in Santa suits.
What is the Dow Theory? Dow Theory is a collection of indicators and definitions of the types of market signals for indicating a Bull or Bear marke...
What is the Efficient Markets Theory? The Efficient Markets Theory says that stocks trade at their fair value all of the time, assuming all informa...
A strong dollar is one that has earned trust on an international scale. It reflects a reliable least, more reliable than that of othe...
What is a Fund of Funds? A fund of funds is a mutual fund strategy that invests in other funds rather than investing in stocks or bonds. The underl...