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What is volatility? In the world of investing, volatility basically means riskiness. It looks at the returns for stocks or indexes, and if they are...
What is Alpha? Alpha is an investing term that describes the success of an investment. It looks at the investment’s ability to beat beta (or mark...
What is Beta? Beta is a figure associated with public companies that measures how risky the company’s stock is in comparison to the market as a w...
What are moving averages? Moving averages are calculated using past stock prices in an attempt to determine future trends. It’s calculated by ave...
What are Angel Investors and Seed Funds? Angel investors provide the funds for small start-ups. They are usually family and friends (not institutio...
The Russell Index is a series of indices that tracks the progress of stocks in a given basket. Aw. We were hoping it tracked adorable Jack Russell...
The Investment Company Act of 1940 regulated and ensured fair dealings in the mutual fund industry.
How are risk and reward related? Take more risk, expect more reward. A lottery ticket might be worth a billion dollars, but if the odds are one in...
What is Counterparty Risk? Counterparty risk is the risk to either party within a transaction that the other will not or be unable to abide by the...
How do you get a startup funded? Depends if we're talking about a tech startup, or a non-tech startup. If you've got a promising, budding tech comp...
What is liquidity? Think: water. It's liquid. It can be squeezed into little, tiny spaces and infused into large spaces. A defining trait of liquid...
What is a Country Basket (Index Fund)? Investing internationally can be a challenge, as foreign exchange, different accounting rules, time zones an...
What is the Federal Funds Rate? The federal funds rate is the interest rate used for overnight lending between banks. The amount banks are able to...
What does it mean to "go public?" An IPO raises cash in the form of equity, usually, for investors. When public, a company exists under SEC dominio...
What is risk? When looking at risk from an investment standpoint, it’s not all bad. As with any decision, higher risk can mean higher reward, and...
A REIT is a mini-mutual fund for real estate investments. Aw. Sounds cute.
The random walk hypothesis is a financial theory that suggests the market is unpredictable, and can't be beaten. (Cough-cough-B.S.)
Most active stocks aren't the ones excelling in Couch to what are they? Hit play to find out.
What is an Entrepreneur? An entrepreneur is just a person who starts and owns his or her own business. As an entrepreneur, every step in starting a...
What's the difference between low and high standard deviation? In financial analysis, deviation refers to the the degree of variance from the avera...