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What are Passive Investing and Passive Investors? Passive investing and passive investors are ones who opt to ride the market out over the long ter...
When a bond is secured, it means it's protected, i.e. there are assets that would be forfeited if repayment is not made. When it's unsecured... it'...
Power of attorney refers to the authorization to conduct business on legal and financial matters on behalf of another party. So...choose wisely.
What is liquidity? Think: water. It's liquid. It can be squeezed into little, tiny spaces and infused into large spaces. A defining trait of liquid...
A liquid market is a market featuring high trading volumes, i.e. investors actually want to put their cash to work.
What's a yankee bond, and does it stick a feather in its cap and call it macaroni?
What is an Executor? An executor is someone who carries out a deceased person’s wishes as stated in their will or takes control of their estate a...
What is a limited partnership? A limited partnership is one in which at least one party is a general partner who assumes personal liabilities and i...
A trust deed lays out the rights and obligations of the bank underwriting the purchase of inventory/assets. That said, it won't catch you in a trus...
What is a partnership? A partnership is an arrangement where two or more parties agree to form a business in cooperation with each other. Partnersh...
Over the counter refers to a trade transacted within a network of other dealers who are all trading stocks.
Who is Warren Buffett, and how do we get him to give us a loan...?
What are CEOs, CFOs, and COOs? The “C” level executives in a corporation are the corporate officers responsible for the management decisions an...
What does it mean to be vested? Vested refers to having an interest in something. It’s typically used when talking about retirement plans and thi...
"Golden handcuffs" refers to someone vesting into their stock options by sticking it out at their company. It won't go on their permanent record.
What is an Affiliated Person or Affiliated Investor? An affiliated person is known as an insider in the financial world. These are the people who h...
What does it mean to "go public?" An IPO raises cash in the form of equity, usually, for investors. When public, a company exists under SEC dominio...
What is the gold standard, besides the standard at which this video is judged? Hit play to find out.
PERLS is a bond that pays interest twice a year, but whose yield is linked to a given foreign exchange rate. It also doesn't string very well on a...
What is a Blue Chip? Blue chip stocks are stocks with very large market caps; basically meaning their issued stock is worth a lot of money. These c...