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It's time to see what's new... with Wu. And to find out the differences between authorized stock, issued stock, and stock options. Yeah. Let's take...
There are many items on the IPO checklist, having to do with earnings, shares, spread, etc. Everyone get your pencils ready.
Okay, so you want to be a company financial manager. It's basically up to you to make money for the shareholders. It would also be swell if you mad...
How is a company... born? Can it be performed via C-section? Is there a midwife present? Do its parents get in a fight over what to name it? In thi...
What is an income statement, and why do we need it in our lives? Well, let's take a look at an income statement for Year 1 of the Sauce Company, an...
What are the pros and cons of IPOs, and of the secondary and primary market? Why might a company want to go public, and what's the best way to go a...
We'll walk you through the IPO process, using the example of our good friends at the Sauce Company. Well, they're acquaintances, really.
How do you raise capital? What's a line of credit? What are 409a valuations? What is that buzzing noise? Who are you? What do you want from us? Wha...
Company Formation, Structure, and Inception: Unit Intro. Sorry, Leo DiCaprio fans—we're not going to be breaking down the plot of Inception. We'r...
So how does the ownership and control of a company... work? Well, first there's a Board of Directors. These folks are elected by the common stockho...
Hey, Shmoop - how about some examples of business ethics and fiduciary conflicts? Your wish is our command. Hint: you work for the shareholders. So...
Okay, so it's time for the Sauce Company's next funding round. Let's see if they can obtain the capital they need for growth. Not the growth, by th...
Who are the Bankers, the Underwriters, and The Syndicate? Punk rock bands from the 70s? Almost. In this vid, we'll look at the key players in an IPO.
Time to revisit the Sauce Company. So let's see what's cookin'. Artie and Bernie, who at one time owned 50% of the company each, have been diluted....
Meet the Sauce Kings. And their Bubbie. And their... Reid. We're going to go on a little BBQ sauce-covered journey with them, as we see what it tak...
What does a financial manager... do? Do they spend all day just ordering a bunch of dollar bills around? Fortunately, no (dollar bills are notoriou...
There are certain mathematical tools we use to inspect whether a company or investment is doing well, or... not. Here are a few of those tools, com...
Our little lemonade stand got started with a $5,000 loan. What to do now? Pay off the loan or franchise with the profits? What a "Sophie's Choice"...
Our little lemonade stand got started with a $5,000 loan. What to do now? Pay off the loan or franchise with the profits? What a "Sophie's Choice"...
How is accounting done in La La Land (the place, not the movie)? Eh, not entirely ethically, as it turns out. In fact, it would make for a great Li...