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CAHSEE ELA 1.1 Writing Strategies. Which of the following sentences, if placed before sentence 1, would be the most effective introductory sentence?
Writing Conventions Videos 21 videos
CAHSEE ELA 2.2 Writing Conventions. Which of the following would be the best source of information about the French Revolution and Reign of Terror?
CAHSEE ELA 1.1 Writing Conventions. How would you correct the following sentence, if it needs correcting at all?
CAHSEE ELA 2.5 Writing Conventions. How would you correct the following sentence, if it needs correcting at all?
Writing Revision Videos 1 videos
CAHSEE ELA: Writing Revision Drill 1, Problem 5. How should this sentence be changed, if at all?
Writing Strategies Videos 20 videos
CAHSEE ELA 1.2 Writing Strategies. Which of the following statements is supported by details or evidence from the student's draft?
CAHSEE ELA 3.1 Writing Strategies. Which source is best for finding out more information about the origins of the political parties' symbols?
CAHSEE ELA: Writing Strategies Drill 2, Problem 2. Which of the following would be the best source of information about the French Revolution and R...