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Science Videos
In this video, we dive beneath the sea to review the kinds of interesting animals that live in the deep blue.
Astronomy Videos 13 videos
We’re pretty sure that a parsec is the amount of time it takes a golfer to make par, but just in case we’re wrong, let’s check out this video.
Comets know how to give you the cold shoulder, asteroids love to hang out, and meteors just like to show off. Space stuff: it’s just like us.
Let's find “the answer to life, the universe and everything.” How, you ask? By reading the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and binge watchin...
Biology Videos 26 videos
GMOs. Now that’s a scary word. Or is it? Guess it’s time to ask ourselves: WWMST? ...For those of us who don’t constantly ask ourselves “wh...
In this video from our course on molecular genetics, learn all about biotech in the real world.
Chemistry Videos 44 videos
These figures may not be significant to you, but they matter to us, okay? Oh, and to Science. They matter a ton to Science.
Apparently matter can exist in four different states. That doesn't sound like too many. We're hoping it stays in California as long as we do.
Today we'll teach you about dimensional analysis. So far we only cover three dimensions, but if you happen to get your hands on a Mr. Fusion...let...
Technology Videos 160 videos
What's the deal with wind? And why does it have to be so...windy?
How did people move stuff around before the wheel was invented? More importantly, why didn't they take a break for a few minutes from moving stuff...
Test Prep Videos 443 videos
ACT Science: Research Summary Passage Drill 2, Problem 1. Why do you think that the filter paper will not remove the salt from the water?
AP Biology: Biological System Interactions Drill 1, Problem 1. Complete the sentence about a saturated fatty acid.
AP Biology: Essential Life Process Information Drill 1, Problem 1. If one parent is heterozygous for the sickle cell trait while the other par...