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Moby-Dick 19423 Views
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The book is as big as the whale.
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Moby-Dick, a la Shmoop: "Thar she Shmoops!" <DS Pirate Voice>
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Look out yonder as we tackle Herman Melville's epic 'Moby-Dick.'
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Captain Ahab leads his crew on a fool's voyage by sea to slay the whale Moby-Dick.
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Are we, as a people, following such leaders into paths of self-destruction?
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Or have we learned from doing so in the past? In World War II, plenty of people followed
Full Transcript
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leaders whose heads were not in the right place.
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These leaders made their struggles the struggles of the people.
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Thankfully, that regime ended. Badly. During the 1960s, a counter-revolution formed
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that questioned our leaders in the USA. Peace and Love! Don't eat the brown acid,
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man. <DS Hippy voice> And don't trust the guys in charge.
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But what happened to that generation? They didn't die before they got old, that's
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for sure. Even today, people are still following would-be
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leaders. Even if the world doesn't end like they predicted.
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Sometimes their actions can have dire consequences. Are there modern Ishmaels bearing witness
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to these events? Even though there are still those who go through
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life blissfully ignorant... those who followed Ahab into the abyss...
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...there are still many of us who refuse the call...
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...who don't want to be drowned like Ahab's crew.
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On the flip side? Many have learned. And we have their stories to listen to and
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learn from, just as we have with Ishmael's tale of Ahab chasing 'Moby-Dick.'
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So what do you think?
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Are we learning to be more wary of strong personalities with questionable ideas?
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Shmoop Amongst Yourselves.
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