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The ultimate young-kid-lost-in-the-wilderness book. And yes, there are a lot of them.
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Hatchet, a la Shmoop. In Gary Paulsen's Hatchet, Brian uses a hatchet
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his mother gave him to survive in a forest after getting marooned in a plane crash.
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Because this hatchet thing gets top billing, we have to imagine that it symbolizes something
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pretty important. If it's not simply because Brian finds it
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exceptionally useful...
Full Transcript
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... could it be that the hatchet represents a bridge between technology and nature?
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Maybe it denotes feelings of hope and despair?
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Or perhaps it is Brian's last vestige of his home?
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We actually like to think that it symbolizes the tools we need -- physical or otherwise
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-- that help us through some tough times.
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We wouldn't recommend trying to get through a rough break-up with a literal hatchet though.
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You could wind up serving 40 to life. So question: Do our parents give us enough
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tools to make it through life's disasters?
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Are we stronger... ...or weaker than our parents?
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With all the modern challenges thrown our way...
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...are 'Kids These Days' going to be... okay? Is the whole world going to end?
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Will this be the 'Last Generation'...ever? Probably not.
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But are parents giving kids the 'Hatchets' they need...
- 01:22 survive this modern world? Brian got a real hatchet...
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...without which he wouldn't have been able to construct a shelter, cut up his meals,
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or defend himself against predators. But us kids are getting 'mental' hatchets...
- 01:37 we can cut through our challenges... ...and find our way out of our own forests,
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just like Brian did. Even though parents are helping...
- 01:45's still up to us kids to use our tools. For good...
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...or for not so good. But preferably for good.
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Kids are as strong as they've ever been... ...but what about the next generation?
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Will the world end with them, or will they figure out how to use their own hatchets to
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make their way? Shmoop Amongst Yourselves.
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