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Factoring—not to be confused with fictioning—has a bunch of different methods. Check them out in this video.
- 00:01
Script Factoring, a la Shmoop.
- 00:05
Hey boys and girls… who’s ready to play…
- 00:07
FACT… or… FICTION!? Fact or Fiction – the game where the losers
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get punished, and the winners… get nothing! I’m Shmuck Willowy and I’m your plastic
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host! Okay, let’s get started!
Full Transcript
- 00:20
Mike from Minnesota – 2, 3 and 4 are factors of 24… fact or fiction?
- 00:24
<<Mike voice>> Um… uh… fiction?
- 00:24
What – OWWWW! <<end of voice>> Ooh, no, so sorry to have to do that to you.
- 00:33
Unfortunately for you, all three are factors.
- 00:35
24 is divisible by 2 – it’s an even number so that one should have been easy.
- 00:40
24 divided by 3 is 8, so that one’s a factor as well.
- 00:44
And 4 divides evenly into 24 as well… strike three, you’re out.
- 00:48
<<Mike voice>> OWW! Hey! What was that for? <<end of voice>>
- 00:52
Ya know, I’m not really sure. Sometimes I just get this twitch.
- 00:55
Okay, Michelle from Montana – 2, 3 and 4 are factors of 17… fact or fiction?
- 01:02
<<Michelle voice>> Fiction?
- 01:04
That is absolutely correct! 17 is an odd number, so you know 2 and 4 won’t make the cut.
- 01:09
And it turns out 3 wasn’t invited to the party either.
- 01:12
<<Michelle voice>> Yay me! What do I win? <<end of voice>>
- 01:15
Your prize is… that you’re not Mike.
- 01:17
<<Mike voice>> OWWW! Ooh… you know what that sound means!
- 01:22
<<Audience: LIGHTNING ROUND!!>>
- 01:24
That’s right! Okay, Mike and Michelle – ready? Here we go.
- 01:29
7 is a factor of 13, fact or fiction?
- 01:33
<<Michelle>> Fiction.
- 01:34
Correct! 6 is a factor of 28, fact or fiction?
- 01:39
<<Mike>> Fact.
- 01:40
Incorrect! 3 is a factor of 300, fact or fiction?
- 01:45
<<Michelle>> Fiction.
- 01:46
Oooh, that’s incorrect.
- 01:48
<<Mike>> OWW! Stop DOING that! I didn’t even hit my buzzer!
- 01:53
5 is a factor of 16, fact or fiction?
- 01:56
<<Michelle>> Fiction.
- 01:57
- 01:58
<<Mike>> OWW! She got it RIGHT!!! OWWW!
- 02:00
Ah, that sound means we’re out of time here at Fact or Fiction…
- 02:03
See you next time… as we play the game that has no winners – only pain!
- 02:08
Blurb: Ready to play Fact or Fiction? The game with
- 02:15
no winners… only pain? Sounds like a blast, right? Step right up… try your luck! You’re
- 02:25
gonna need it.
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