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Chicago 2173 Views
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You really must love a town if you're going to write a whole poem about it. Carl Sandburg wrote an entire poem on his hometown, Chicago, just because. We're not sure we could write a poem about just any city. What rhymes with Chattanooga?
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ala Shmoop, our kind of town.
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It's not unusual for people to get excited about where they were born.
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I put that place on the map. Most of us have a special place in our heart for
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our hometown, even if there are a couple things were not so crazy about.test
Full Transcript
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Carl Sandburg takes it one step further.
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His poem, "Chicago" has a speaker who loves the city so much
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that he celebrates even the ugly part nobody can but her a hard look at
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Why would anyone do such a thing? Well,
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maybe he is just being a realist he knows that no place is perfect
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that good and bad coexist. And what's the big deal about a little crime? You have the
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world's best pizza yummy
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maybe because it's his hometown wants to find a way to gloss over the bad stuff
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just a coat paint or two to when you're that close to something
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it can be a little tough to be objective. Its
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He admits his beloved city has a few problems I have seen the gunmen
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kill and go free to kill again but he jumps right back into what's great about
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sounds like someone who prefers these to these
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for maybe he just thinks that all the bad stuff builds character
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and that the city wouldn't be what it is without its baggage
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was I supposed to check be if strength comes from adversity
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and maybe the speaker is acknowledging it to prove a point but the negative is
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just as important as the positive so why did the pawn speaker love everything
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about Chicago
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is it because he's a realist to accept the bad with the good
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or not the first to glosses over the ugliest
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or a tough side with things hard times builds character and after reading that
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how are you feeling about your hometown up amongst yourselves let us know how
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you feel
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