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ASVAB Word Knowledge 1.3 Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes 249 Views
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ASVAB Word Knowledge: Word Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes Drill 1, Problem 3. Which of these words is closest in meaning to astute?
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[ musical flourish ]
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And here's your Shmoop du jour, brought to you by Smarties,
- 00:07
the Ritalin of tablet-shaped candies.
- 00:11
Which of these words is closest in meaning to astute?
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And here are the potential answers.
Full Transcript
- 00:17
And we did not say ass toot.
- 00:19
All right, you ready? All right.
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Now the word "astute" means
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clever or observant,
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like someone who notices the small things.
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So, right of the bat, let's eliminate D -
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oblivious, which means not paying attention at all.
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Hey, over here. Come on.
- 00:36
All right, take a look at B -
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stuffy, which can mean poorly ventilated,
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like a classroom after taking the ASVAB for three hours.
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Stuffy can also mean
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boring, like a classroom after taking the ASVAB for three hours.
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So scratch that off the list, as well.
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And then there's C - stern,
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which means strict or harsh.
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Now someone who harps on the small things might be
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described as stern, like your Great Aunt Linda
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when she insists on wiping the invisible smudge off your face
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all the time. We've been there.
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But this one doesn't seem right, either.
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So we're left with A - discerning.
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If we break this word apart, we see the prefix "dis,"
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which can mean "away from," and the root "cern,"
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which comes from the Latin word
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"cernere," meaning "to separate."
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So "discerning" means
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being able to recognize a difference in something.
- 01:31
Sounds pretty similar to astute.
- 01:33
And, yep, the correct answer is A - discerning,
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which can also mean showing good judgment
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and understanding, like knowing how many cookies
- 01:41
is just too many cookies.
- 01:46
[ groan ]
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