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Arabian Nights 11049 Views
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Folk tales are all about conveying a deeper meaning—no banjos required. Arabian Nights is one of the most famous collections, so get ready to learn some lessons.
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Arabian Nights, a la Shmoop. Arabian Nights, or as it is known by its official
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title, One Thousand and One Nights, is chock-full of folk tales.
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Okay, great... but what is a folk tale?
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Well, let's take a look at one in Arabian Nights...
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...and see if we can figure out exactly what makes a folk tale, well...a folk tale.
Full Transcript
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"The Fisherman and the Jinni."
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Right off the bat, the title clues us in to one common aspect of a folk tale... stock
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These fictional characters exhibit common characteristics or mannerisms. They are drawn
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from cultural stereotypes, and they keep popping up in multiple stories.
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So... it's almost as if they are "in stock."
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In this particular story, we've got a poor fisherman who is struggling to feed his family...
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...and the Jinni... which is just an old-timey way of spelling "genie"...
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... grants him a wish.
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In other words...
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They're stock... predictable... expected. They don't offer any unexpected surprises;
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instead they look and sound exactly the same every time they appear in a text.
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However, these predictable characters meant to be simple and easy to understand because...
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they're meant to represent something else.
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Maybe a human trait, like kindness, treachery or forgiveness.
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So if you're reading about cookie cutter characters who seem to be popped out of a mold...
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...and the story uses those characters to send a message or teach a lesson...
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...your folk tale antennae should be up and wiggling.
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Okay, what else?
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Folk tales are about the folks of a particular culture.
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So in a folk tale about the American South, you might come across such vocab as grits,
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country music, and cowboys.
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In this story, we've got fishing, references to Allah and Solomon, coppersmith, vizier
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<<vi-zeer>>, and Last Judgment... all cultural references that fit "Western and Southern
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So... we can check another box in the "folk tale" column.
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We should also be on the lookout for very simple language.
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Folk tales don't generally get too flowery or abstract... instead, the language is concrete,
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basic and straightforward.
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You would see something like this:
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"On a day he went forth about noontide to the seashore, where he laid down his basket
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and, tucking up his shirt and plunging into the water, made a cast with his net and waited
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till it settled to the bottom."
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Makes it easy to understand and follow... as long as it isn't written in Arabic.
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Folk tales also don't tend to stick to reality.
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The world of the unlikely or implausible is totally fair game.
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Humans being visited by otherworldly or divine beings? Sure, why not?
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Somebody just catch a shooting star in their hand? We don't see why that couldn't happen.
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Need a genie to come out of a bottle? Might be lookin' at a folk tale, ladies and gents...
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Even the smallest details will often be exaggerated or unrealistic in a folk tale.
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Like the smoke in this story that... "almost touches heaven."
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Really? Might explain why all those angels are running for the emergency exits.
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Finally, folk tales will usually deal with universal themes...
- 03:31 the power of love, the battle between good and evil, or... the deliciousness of
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You know... stuff you just can't argue. So here's a quick recap for all you soon-to-be
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folk-a-philes. Look for:
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Stock characters...
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...the teaching of a lesson or moral...
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...language and terminology specific to a particular culture...
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...simple, concrete language...
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...supernatural or unrealistic events...
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...exaggerated details...
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...and universal themes.
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If you're reading something that checks most of those boxes, chances are good you're reading
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a folk tale.
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Take us out, magic carpet.
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