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ACT Science: Data Representation Passage Drill 1, Problem 1. What do the statistics in Figure 1 suggest?
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A little birdie told us you wanted a shmoopy problem to solve... and we shall provide.
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Included below in Figure 1 are some salary statistics by year from Major League Baseball.
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Figure 1 suggests that... what?
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And here's some potential answers...
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What is the question asking?
Full Transcript
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Basically, it just wants to know if we can interpret what it means when those bars in
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the graph keep getting bigger and bigger...
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Okay, so based on the graph, what do we know about the average player
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salaries and the minimum wage?
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Are they increasing, decreasing, or staying the same?
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Well, they're definitely not staying the same. Otherwise, all of the bars would be
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the same height.
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The bars are getting taller year after year, so we can cross off option D.
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Now let's check out the legend, or key of the graph.
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The red parts of the bars indicate the average salary, and the green is the minimum wage
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for the MLB. Very festive. Focus on the tiny green part on the bottom
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of the graph... is it changing over time?
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It sure is. It's getting higher... so we can get rid of option A that says only the
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AVERAGE wage is getting higher, not the minimum wage.
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Next, the red part of the graph. Is it getting higher over time?
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Yup, the red part is definitely increasing. So option B is our answer.
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Both the average wage and the minimum wage increase over time.
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And good thing, too. Considering how bad inflation is.
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ACT Science: Research Summary Passage Drill 2, Problem 1. Why do you think that the filter paper will not remove the salt from the water?
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