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A Tale of Two Cities 53965 Views
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It may be the best of times for Chuck Darnay, but it's pretty much constantly the worst of times for Sydney. Poor guy.
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A Tale of Two Cities, a la Shmoop: It was the best of videos, it was the worst of videos.
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Even if you haven't read Dickens' immortal classic A Tale of Two Cities...
- 00:15're no doubt familiar with that opening line:
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"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."
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How could it be the best of times and the worst of times... at the same time?
Full Transcript
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What was Dickens trying to say here... or was he just trying to cover his butt?
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Okay, considering that Dickens is one of the greatest writers who has ever lived...
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...and taking into account that his opener is a pretty famous one...
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...let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say that... he was likely trying to make
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an important point here. But what?
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Is he saying that it was the best of times for some, and the worst of times for others?
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Dickens paints a picture with a pretty clear divide between the upper and lower classes.
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One half of the population was the upper crust...
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..while the other half had to settle for the upper crust's... crumbs.
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Or is he insinuating that it's a matter of perception?
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Some of the characters in this novel live in poverty, but are courageous, loyal, or
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strong of heart.
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Others... members of the aristocracy... live lavish existences, but are corrupt, unkind
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or inhumane.
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Were the folks Dickens writes about experiencing both the best of times and the worst of times...
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simultaneously? Were their hearts full, but their stomachs
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...or vice versa?
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And why exactly were there so many empty stomachs... had these people never heard of Ramen noodles?
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All right, so the line might be referring to a divide between the classes...
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...or it could have to do with a sort of... duality of man...
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...but consider a third option.
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Maybe it doesn't have anything to do with people's lives at all.
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Perhaps Dickens was commenting on the state of the world as a whole.
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It was the worst of times, because the French Revolution was raging on, and evils such as
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self-indulgence and brutality reared their nasty heads...
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...but it was the best of times, because the human spirit rose up when faced with such
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adversity and hardship...
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...and remained strong even in the face of death.
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And trust us... it's tough to be strong in the face of death. That is one ugly mug.
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So... which way are you leaning?
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Does Dickens' famous first line relate to the highs of the rich and the lows of the
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...the differing perceptions of happiness that existed within each character in the
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...or to an all-encompassing assessment of the state of humankind?
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Shmoop among yourselves.
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