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A Midsummer Night's Dream Summary 67438 Views
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Love potions are tricky business (not that we've ever tried using one, of course). They can make you fall in love with the wrong person…or, in the case of the lovestruck queen in this story, not even a person at all. Was it a cat? A dog, perhaps? Guess you'll have to watch the video to find out.
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak A midsummer night's dream allah shmoop
- 00:08
i have the best job al awesome Is it to
- 00:10
be a professional troublemaker for soberon the king of the
- 00:14
fairies I mean i get paid to mess with the
- 00:17
villagers or sometimes i'm used in a line of spousal
Full Transcript
- 00:22
revenge Like my most recent assignment over ron's wife queen
- 00:26
titania wouldn't share her new pet human so mr soberon
- 00:31
sent me to pick up a love spell to make
- 00:34
her fall in love with the first thing she sees
- 00:36
it's cheaper than counseling right Yeah someone wouldn't spend all
- 00:40
my money I was back in a snap with the
- 00:43
weapons of mass affection and soberon gave me another assignment
- 00:47
My mission should i choose to accept it It was
- 00:51
to track down dimitrius and helena to hapless mortals meandering
- 00:55
through the forest Then i had to dose dimitrius with
- 00:58
the love potion so helena could finally get out of
- 01:01
yield friend zone Unfortunately i didn't have all the details
- 01:05
Demetrios was really chasing after his fiance hermia who was
- 01:09
a loping with her boyfriend life sander But anyway i
- 01:13
found the wrong couple and gave life sander the potion
- 01:15
instead Well of course Klutzy helena tripped over him in
- 01:19
the dark two Bye Sander forgot all about the vegas
- 01:23
wedding with permanent and joined team helena To further complicate
- 01:27
my life over on had given demetrios a potion as
- 01:30
well See this is why i work alone So now
- 01:34
there were two hunks buying for helena's affection While hermia
- 01:37
was left standing alone shmoop at least project titania was
- 01:44
the success i had stuck a donkey head on a
- 01:47
terrible actor as a side project romeo romeo Wherefore out
- 01:51
our romeo and he was the first person titanius saw
- 01:55
when she woke up Humiliation achieve but then here because
- 01:59
of the four men miserable kids running around or the
- 02:01
sight of his wife feeding grapes to an ask oh
- 02:04
bron started to have second thoughts there's only enough room
- 02:07
for one jackass in this relationship me now had to
- 02:12
obscure the forest in darkness Reed oh ply sander to
- 02:15
make him drop helena for hermia and give bottom back
- 02:19
his top I was going to charge extra for this
- 02:22
job but luckily everything worked out I didn't even have
- 02:26
to phone search and rescue either because duke ccs found
- 02:29
the lovers and gently woke him up we go I'm
- 02:33
not sure he believed their story but he invited them
- 02:36
all to join him and his bride to be for
- 02:38
a big group wedding sir cheese it's And for his
- 02:43
final trick the cia's got hermes dad to stop overreacting
- 02:47
Way i know you're thinking it couldn't possibly get better
- 02:52
than a triple wedding but last and probably also least
- 02:57
bottom contributed by organizing a special performance for the ceremony
- 03:01
Who be ye oh to bay Maybe i should've left 00:03:07.89 --> [endTime] him is a donkey No off with their heads
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