University of Redlands

About Me
Disclaimer: This college profile was created solely by Shmoop. The University of Redlands was not involved in the production of and does not endorse the content within.
If you only own one pair of shoes (flip-flops included), dream about rows of palm trees swaying in the breeze, and like the idea of spreading out on a blanket reading the biography of Steve Jobs, I just might be the school of your dreams. I'm totally laid back—my students almost never dress up and I'm my look is really versatile. On the outside, I look like any party-loving Greek, but secretly, on the inside, I'm kind of a fun-loving hippie.
Despite my peace and love innards, I'm also known for churning out future leaders in business. Go figure. This comes in handy in SoCal where most jobs are sales and every other person is in marketing or starting their own business.
Thurber, the bulldog. At the Johnston Center, a buffalo.
Redlands, California.
Body Type
I've got a big personality wrapped in a nice, little package. There are about 3,300 students in my undergraduate programs, so I'm not all that petite, but I am a bit on the smaller side. Let's just say I've got a strong, solid student body. Think Spiderman, minus the web-slinging (unfortunately). My campus is a bit spread out so you may want to cruise on a long board to class, but most students just walk (or jog, if they're late).
Current Living Situation
On-campus dorms are alright, though not my best feature. The white-painted cinderblock walls might remind you more of an old-fashioned asylum than a Spanish villa. Some dorms are nicer (and quieter) than others, but that is pretty standard as colleges go.
Those who want to avoid the dorm life rent little houses with their friends in the surrounding area, since I'm in a residential part of town. Either way, once you're an upperclassmen, you get the chance to stay in the new apartment-style suites, which is a real sweet set up. It's all good in the hood.
Relationship Status
Purely academically speaking, I may have a little crush on the oh-so-smart and devastatingly beautiful Clairemont Colleges…but they act like they're out of my league. Sigh. Hey, that's kind of stuck up actually, now that I think about it. I'm a total catch as small liberal arts colleges go.
I used to be Baptist, but I've grown into a non-denominational school, in an all-inclusive UU kind of way. I have my own Chaplain and the gorgeous Memorial Chapel, which is only used for large functions like weddings nowadays.
Well, it depends on which side of me you're asking. My regular CAS student body is a good mixture of both Donkey and Elephant (and everything outside of that binary system). The Business School chaps are mostly "California Republican," or "fiscally conservative." That said, I still wouldn't walk up into the Johnston Center wearing a pro-Bush button on my lapel. Just. Sayin'.
You should apply to me if...
you are blissfully undecided about what you want to do with your life. I've got it all, so you can't go wrong by coming here.