University of Montevallo

About Me
Yeah, yeah, I know, you probably haven't heard of me before. I'll give you the lowdown. That's still what the kids say, right? Give me a break, I'm over 100 years old. I'm the University of Montevallo, located in the dead center of Alabama and I'm the only public liberal arts college in the state.
Despite rumors to the contrary, I'm home to more than a suburb, some empty fields, and weird art kids. I mean, I definitely have those too if you're into them. My point being that if you're interested in attending me, you'll have a bevy of options and opportunities to explore.
As a liberal arts school I wear many hats. Sciences are no strangers to Humanities or the performing arts as interdisciplinary studies are heavily promoted.
Oh, if someone asks you if you're purple or gold, there's nothing wrong with your skin, they're talking about college night. I'm home to the longest running college homecoming celebration in the United States and pretty proud of it.
There's no football here so the purples and golds each put on a play that is entirely student led. They do battle in front of three anonymous judges to determine who wins. That sounds bonkers because it is.
Even if competing in musical theater isn't something you're game for, there are tons of fraternities and sororities to join and intramural competitions to compete in.
But seriously, at least check out my musical theater competitions.
Freddie the Falcon (We put birds on things here)
Travel to the exact geographical center of Alabama. After navigating backroads and woods that remind you of banjos, you'll find the small town of Montevallo. In Montevallo you can find me, the only public liberal arts college in Alabama.
Body Type
With 3,000 students, over two-thirds being undergrad, I'm firmly settled in the "small" category. While a couple thousand students in a small town might sound cramped, I assure you there's real estate for everyone. I've got over 150 acres for students to roam; always allowing you the chance to get away from an overdue assignment and enjoy procrastinating in the fresh air.
Also, I'm in Alabama. If aesthetics are something you care about, look here because I'm beautiful.
Small classrooms and approachable instructors are something I pride myself on. Most classes don't have more than twenty students in them. Which is great for those who enjoy being able to speak in class and not so great for anyone who didn't do the class reading. Hiding in the back and keeping your head down isn't the most effective policy here.
Current Living Situation
Most first year students are relegated to the dorms for at least one school year. The dorms can be great hubs for students to meet and greet peers, but are particularly useful for finding people to move into an apartment with. My dorms aren't horrid, but few would consider the prospect of living in one for four years a grand time.
That said, whoever controls the heating and air conditioning in the dorms does not care for you or your preferences. Like, don't get me started on that guy.
Students who still live at home can also commute to school without having to move into the dorms. That can be a great money saver if you need it.
The majority of students get apartments or houses in town with a handful of their contemporaries. Before moving into an apartment, be sure to ask friends about the owner because there's a clear line of who to rent from in town.
Relationship Status
One of the benefits of not having a football team in Montevallo: you don't have to travel across state lines to find your mortal enemy.
Instead, the biggest relationship turmoil on my turf is between the purples and golds. You might be staring daggers at another student in Reynolds Hall because they betrayed you and your purple family to join gold. Then retaliation starts up and the whole thing ends with musical theater burns that you didn't know could cut so deep. It is intense.
Though if collegiate civil war isn't your bag, that's fine. There's the neutral green side to join. They tend to eat popcorn and laugh at the infighting and shenanigans the purples and golds put on, while actually completing their studies.
In many ways I'm a blue dot in a crimson red state. Not that everyone here is overtly political, but those who are tend to be liberal. I can assure you that as a university I stay out of these matters, but the students are progressive on the whole.
Being conservative will not result in public ridicule or some kind of lambasting, but a lack of an open mind is a good way to limit opportunities on my truly diverse campus.
You should apply to me if...
you're more interested in honing your ability to critically analyze the world around you than becoming middle-management.
(Fair warning: the pay for middle-management is better.)