University of California--Los Angeles

About Me
I like to think of myself as the perfect combination of brains and brawn: A serious academic and a super accomplished athlete. A Nobel Laureate and an Olympic medalist. You get the picture.
Plus, I am very good-looking, especially for a West Coast university. Romanesque brick buildings and expansive grassy quads give you the full college feel.
You may have seen me in movies or on TV. I have provided the ideal scholarly backdrop for almost every movie ever. (It's LA, so of course I've had screen time.) Being in LA rocks because we're only a few miles from the beach, and Hollywood is right up the street.
Sure, I rank high in national and global indexes, but in LA we are the go-to university. Our rivals across town, USC, are sometimes too close for comfort. I'm not one of those schools known for just one great department—I excel at law, business, and the humanities. Oh, and by the by, I've got one of the most state-of-the-art hospitals in the West.
So really, my finest quality is that I can't be categorized. I have a raging Greek scene, a top research library, and an amazing fine arts department where you can really get your hipster on. James Franco went here, so you know I'm cutting edge.
Joe and Josephine Bruin
Westwood Village, Los Angeles—home of some of LA's most historic movie theaters…and some great museums.
1881, which is super-duper old for California.
Body Type
I have about 40,000 students, a population the size of a small town. You can avoid anyone you want, but on the other hand, you may have trouble deciding who you want to be friends with…you've got a lot of choices.
Getting from one side of campus to the other can also take some time. Bikes are a good idea. Mopeds, even better.
Current Living Situation
On one side of campus, perched on "The Hill," are tons of dorms. 94% of freshmen live on campus, you see. A lot of the new dorms are these fancy concierge service ones where people sit on terraces and eat pan-Asian cuisine.
I try to please people, so I let students make dorm selections based on how much socializing they want to do, how quiet they want their environment, and what degree of privacy they are seeking.
I also tailor housing for students in all kinds of situations—international students, graduate students, families, veterans, you name it.
Relationship Status
I'm pretty much a solo player. It's not that I don't want a relationship, it's just that I've never found my match.
I tend to be pretty liberal. Look, I'm a public university in one of the most diverse cities in the world. What did you expect?
With eight hundred student groups, I've got a range of politically minded organizations. MEChA de UCLA Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan is a huge presence, but I've also got the Bruin Republicans and the Federalist Society. You can take your pick.
There is one thing that bonds my people across all political affiliations, and that is a good protest against tuition increases. That's when the chancellor really gets it from all sides.
You should apply to me if...
you are looking for the best sunny sculpture garden for your between-class naps.