Texas Success Initiative (TSIA2)
Don't mess with the TSI.
- Practice questions: 136
- Practice exams: 5
- Pages of review: 22
- Videos: 611
Schools and Districts: We offer customized programs that won't break the bank. Get a quote.

Are you going to college in Texas? Want to get ready for academic success in the Lone Star State? Then get ready to grab the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) by the horns in Shmoop's newly updated test prep. Once you've conquered this standardized test, you'll be able to take real initiative—their word, not ours—and enroll in entry-level college courses in Texas. Practicing for this test will save you time and money, since you will have to do less coursework to graduate.
You wouldn't want to show up to the Test Day Rodeo without a little experience under your belt. Prepare for the TSIA2 with Shmoop's extensive topic review, skill-based drills, and full-length practice exams.
What's Inside Shmoop's Online Texas Success Initiative Prep
Shmoop is a labor of love from folks who love to teach. Our Test Prep resources will help you prepare for exams with fun, engaging, and frankly hilarious materials that bring the test to life. We've also redesigned our user interface so that you can focus on your goals, progress, and what you need to do to make your TSI dreams come true.
In-Depth Topic Review
You say you need a bit of review in…oh, math, reading, writing, and essay composition? We've got your back. Our review section explains all topics that will be tested on the exam, and we supply sample questions for each topic. We cover all the math and statistics concepts you'll need to know, from basic operations to advanced functions. On the reading section, we teach you to cruise on past all the gibberish and read for what's important in literary and informational passages. And, particularly for those who would literally prefer to go riding on a Texas Longhorn bull to doing some essay writing, we'll help you conquer your fear of writer's block.
Shmoop has boatloads of TSI drill questions for targeted review. Like masterful sushi chefs, we've diced up all the test-day skills you'll need into well-ordered, bite-sized pieces. What's more, we serve up your progress and results with some spicy graphs and reports so you can see hotspots for improvement—don't worry, this added spice means you won't get "burned twice" by the tough questions on the TSI.
Placement and Diagnostic Exams
If you're one of those lucky people who finds yourself face to face with the almighty TSIA2, remember that this beast of an exam will really help you assess where you stand in Texas. Good thing we've got full-length practice exams and diagnostics for each subject. Plus, you'll be able to see improvement over time as you set goals, strategically target specific skills, and track your missed point opportunities in each area of the exam.
- Practice questions: 136
- Practice exams: 5
- Pages of review: 22
- Videos: 611
Schools and Districts: We offer customized programs that won't break the bank. Get a quote.