Tiffin University

About Me
I'm located in a small town in Northwest Ohio. Haven't you always secretly dreamed of living in a place where winter lasts five months?
Yeah okay...maybe that's not my best quality. Really, my best quality is that I'm small. Small in that homey, everybody knows your name sort of way. I've got a 10:1 student to faculty ratio that makes my campus feel like a family—minus the awkward family reunion small talk about how much you've grown.
My faculty's also totally awesome because most of them still work in the field that they teach. Interested in business? You'll probably be taught by someone who's a local business owner. Who ever said those who can't do end up teaching?
Speaking of business, it's one of my specialties. I'm especially good at business, criminal justice, forensics, music, and psychology and I've got top-notch professors for pretty much anything else you'd like to study as well.
Aside from academics, I also offer a ton of student organizations and clubs that hold events all over campus. Almost every one of my students is involved in at least one of them. You don't have to join one...but do you really want to be the person missing out on that awesome sign language joke everyone else learned in ASL Club last week?
Stuey the Dragon. Stuey likes to appear at almost every campus function possibly to show off his sweet dance moves. Beware.
Tiffin, Ohio, where we are mostly known for our delicious, homemade pizza.
Body Type
I'm petite and filled with critters. My campus is about 130 acres and is overpopulated with adorable squirrels. There are about 4,200 students that call me home and I like to keep them comfy cozy right next to me.
You'll be thankful of my size when the winter months drop in. My students can cross all of my campus in about fifteen minutes on foot. You should still probably bring a coat, though.
Current Living Situation
My students have tons of choices, whether it's on campus apartments, dorms, houses, and even Greek housing. When you're a freshman and arrive on campus, you'll be in a typical dorm and you more than likely will not have air conditioning.
Okay so maybe that wouldn't be your first choice...but you'll have to deal with it when you're a first year. It's plenty cold here most of the time anyway.
You could get lucky, though, as one of the freshman dorms is new and has air. Sophomores are usually placed in one of my on-campus houses. Most of them are newly remodeled and ready to give you that at-home feel.
Finally, when you're a junior or senior, you get to live in the apartments. You usually have four other roommates and you share a common living room and full kitchen.
I offer a decent amount of options considering how small I am, but if you can't find your niche there's no need to stress. There are plenty of living options that surround campus as well...if you need some space or whatever.
Relationship Status
Some say I like to hate on "the college across the river" for no known reason. They're known as Heidelberg. Does that name remind you of any villainous people? We aren't even in the same conference for sports, but, you know, they're in the same city. And I don't like that.
I'm also not too friendly with Findlay University. We share the same athletic conference and we are only about a thirty-minute drive from each other. Not to mention my students have to drive to Findlay for the nearest Chipotle. I'm only a little jealous.
You should apply to me if...
you want to learn from professors who were actually successful in the fields that they teach. Bonus points if you like playing in the snow.