The College of William and Mary

About Me
My students like to brag that they study hard, and party harder—it's not just a catch phrase, it's a lifestyle. You're not going to find a bunch of people skipping class or blowing off exams, because I take my academics very seriously. This doesn't mean that academics consume my students' lives, though. The same people who pull all-nighters making sure they ace Econ101 will probably be out the next night at their favorite deli, streaking the Sunken Gardens, and then going home to do it all again the next day.
I might have a reputation for being a bit nerdy, but that's totally fine with me. Remember how Adam Sandler's character in Billy Madison convinces everyone that peeing your pants is cool because everyone's doing it? Yeah, well, being nerdy at William and Mary is wicked cool because the bigger the nerd, the better—I like to celebrate being smart.
I also have my fair share of athletes, Greek organization members, and yes, even some rebels without a cause, so you could say I'm a regular Breakfast Club of diversity.
Griffin. I'm pretty new around here, but I'm glad I was able to replace the last guy. (He was, literally, a Bookworm named Ebirt).
I abut (hehehe, abut) Colonial Williamsburg, so unpack the tricorner hat that's been gathering dust in the back of your closet since you went on that field trip in third grade—it's about to bring sexy back.
1693. I'm the second-oldest university in the nation, but number one in everything else. Boom.
Body Type
I'm bigger than I feel, but with (exactly) 6,171 undergrads, I'd say I fit firmly in the small-to-medium-sized campus category. There's New Campus, Old Campus, and never the twain shall meet...just kidding—they're right next to each other, but if you have classes on both, you might want a bike. Or a hovercraft. (And who doesn't want a hovercraft?)
Current Living Situation
I mostly live in the dorms, at least until junior or senior year when I might get delusions of grandeur and decide that having a tiny apartment off campus is way more sophisticated. What it really comes down to is the lottery system. I might get to live in the Lodges (rare and awesome), in a double with my reliable roomie, or a single somewhere. The least desirable dorms are saved for the freshmen—but even living in the Botetourt ghetto becomes a right-of-passage and imparts an indelible sense of pride (and hey, they're not that bad).
Relationship Status
I'm saving myself for someone special. If the other Virginia schools think that's elitist and snobby, it's just because they're jealous.
My political affiliation tends to swing both ways—it depends on who's in office and who can yell louder during the political science debates. Either way, if there's an issue, count on me having a pretty strong opinion about it.
You should apply to me if...
you want to be President…or on TV making fun of them.