Walter Shandy Timeline and Summary


Walter Shandy Timeline and Summary

  • Mrs. Shandy interrupts her husband during sex, and his sperm goes astray.
  • Because the last pregnancy turned out to be fake, Walter insists that Mrs. Shandy give birth in the country.
  • He also insists that Dr. Slop use the forceps to extract Tristram, because he's convinced that natural birth injures babies' brains.
  • While Tristram is being born, Walter sits downstairs talking to Yorick.
  • Walter finds out that Tristram's nose was broken and flings himself on the bed in despair.
  • Because he's not dressed when Tristram is being baptized, he tells Susannah to get the priest to name the baby Trismegistus, which she mangles.
  • Walter tries to determine if Tristram's name can be changed.
  • After his older son Bobby dies, he writes the Tristram-paedia to take charge of Tristram's education.
  • He goes to Europe with Tristram.