Toby Shandy Timeline and Summary


Toby Shandy Timeline and Summary

  • Toby is wounded in a mysterious but suggestive location.
  • He goes to London to recover but just can't stop thinking about the accident.
  • He gets it into his head to figure out exactly what happened, and goes to Shandy Hall (where he has a small house) so he can build a scale model.
  • One thing leads to another, as it tends to, and Toby finds himself deep into theories about physics, tactics, and fortifications.
  • At some point during his stay near Shandy Hall, he takes care of Lieutenant Le Fever and Le Fever's son.
  • The war ends. Good for the soldiers, not so good for Toby's hobby-horse.
  • Just when he's most susceptible, Widow Wadman tricks him into looking into her eyes. Big mistake. Toby falls hopelessly in love, or at least in lust. (Yes, with her eyes.)
  • She blows it when Tristram realizes that all she cares about is finding out if his penis still works.