Some video footage of T.R. and the Rough Riders during a practice charge before their departure for Cuba

The first part of President McKinley's 1901 funeral

Thomas Edison Studio's 1901 burlesque, inspired by one of T.R.'s many hunting trips

President Roosevelt's 1903 Independence Day oration

A clip of a 1909 recording of T.R. during his African safari

Scenes from T.R.'s exploration of the headwaters of the River of Doubt in Brazil

A movie of T.R.'s funeral at Oyster Bay, after his death in 1919

A recording of a speech given by T.R. during his 1912 presidential campaign

A recording of a different speech from the 1912 campaign

An entertaining lecture delivered by presidential historian Richard Norton Smith at the Hauenstein Center in 2006

Presidential impersonator Clay Jenkinson portrays T.R. in speech about the Spanish-American war

Critically acclaimed Teddy Roosevelt impersonator Joe Wiegand portrays T.R. in the East Room of the White House on the occasion of T.R.'s 150th birthday

A Histeria! Episode explaining T.R.'s trust-busting reputation