The Road Quizzes

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Road? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. What do The Man and The Boy use to transport their belongings?

    A school bus
    A shopping cart
    They don’t have any belongings
    A bandanna on a stick
    Q. Whom does The Man try to call from the phone booth at the gas station?

    His father
    A cab
    The police
    Q. What beverage does The Boy try for the first time at the supermarket?

    Orange juice
    Chocolate milk
    Q. Whom is the first person The Man and The Boy encounter on the road?

    Lindsay Lohan
    An old man with a limp
    The Woman
    A soldier
    Q. What happened to The Man’s wife?

    She died before the apocalyptic event
    She swallowed a fly (I don’t know why)
    She committed suicide
    The Man poisoned her