Muckrakers & Reformers Images

This Thomas Nast cartoon, one of many which he published during the Progressive Era, depicts political machine boss William Tweed (front left) and other members of his "ring" as they point blame at one another in response to the question, "Who stole the people's money?" This was originally published in Harper's Weekly on August 19th, 1871.

Inez Milholland, dressed all in white, leads a suffragette parade of some 5,000 on the day before Woodrow Wilson's inauguration.

In Colorado, the National Women's Party campaigns against Woodrow Wilson and the Democrats, putting up billboards that warn, "Their party opposes national women's suffrage."

Lewis Hine actually captures his own shadow in one of his famous images of a child worker—here, a newsboy on the streets of New York in 1908.

In Jacob Riis' 1889 photo entitled "Five Cents a Spot," the viewer can gain some sense of the horribly overcrowded conditions confronting the poor who sought shelter in rooming houses during the Gilded Age.

This poster advertised a lecture given by fiery temperance activist Carry A. Nation.