The Market Revolution Primary Sources
Historical documents. What clues can you gather about the time, place, players, and culture?

The Center for Lowell History, sponsored by the University of Massachusetts Lowell Libraries, maintains a site dedicated to the region's history, including a page dedicated to "Mill Life in Lowell: 1820–1880." Company records, letters written by mill girls, images, diaries, and factory rules are among the primary sources made available on this site.

A website dedicated to Charles Finney, the most important figure of the Second Great Awakening and the formation of American evangelicalism, includes numerous Finney sermons and writings.

Several works by Sylvester Graham, the health and diet reformer, are available here.

Henry Clay's Senate speech, "In Defense of the American System," is available here.

The Lowell Offering, a literary magazine produced by the women operatives of the Lowell Mills between 1840 and 1845, is available here.