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Looking for Alaska Chapter 14 Summary

eighty-seven days before

  • The triple-and-a-half date starts off in Alaska's room, where everyone meets each other and Miles tries to hate—but can't—Alaska's boyfriend Jake.
  • After the group troops to the gym to watch a basketball game, classic seating battles take place: should Miles sit next to Lara or Alaska? Alaska wins this round, mostly by convincing him that sitting next to her will help him get with Lara.
  • Just like at the last game, the Colonel heckles the opponent's players throughout, especially one nicknamed the Beast.
  • After one particularly snide remark that the entire crowd laughs at, the Beast marches over to the sideline and throws the ball in the direction of the triple threat… er, date.
  • Miles gets a basketball to his face because he didn't run like Takumi and the Colonel. "I am concussed" (87before.29), he states. Then he pukes on Lara's pants. Smooth, Miles. In his defense, he really is concussed, though.
  • One nurse's examination and one trip to the hospital later, Miles returns to his dorm room and spends the rest of the evening sleeping.
  • The Colonel awakens Miles at 3:00AM to announce that Sara accused him of liking Alaska and then dumped his patootie for being too casual in the face of her accusation.
  • Even though the Colonel is out of a terrible relationship (c'mon, we all recognized it for what it was), he's still sad about it because he still cares about Sara.
  • Meanwhile, Miles can only listen in a hazy daze because he is still concussed.