The Jefferson Presidency Websites

Monticello, Jefferson's famous Virginia home, can be explored at this nicely constructed website. It includes an extensive collection of images—furniture, instruments, art, and architectural drawings—as well as narrated tours that explore the house, gardens, and "domestic life." The site has a digital collection of family correspondence, and offers links to the report on the Jefferson-Hemings relationship.

The Library of Congress has constructed a website which explores the "extraordinary legacy" of Thomas Jefferson. It provides a useful introduction to the range of Jefferson's contributions and is illustrated with digital images from the Library's vast Jefferson holdings. The site also offers a detailed biographical timeline and provides a link to Jefferson Papers held by the Library of Congress which are accessible electronically to the public.

The Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia maintains a site on Jefferson that offers a series of short essays on his life and career, as well as short biographical sketches of his vice presidents and Cabinet.

The companion site for Ken Burns' film on Thomas Jefferson isn't particularly great, but it does include the complete transcripts of the interviews used in making the film.