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Executive Order 10730: Little Rock Nine: Rhetoric

    Executive Order 10730: Little Rock Nine: Rhetoric


      Executive Order 10730 is all about the facts. Eisenhower had to explain the legal basis for his actions: "by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Statutes of the United States" (5, 7). He cited exactly where someone could find those justifications: Chapter 15, Title 10, Section 332, for example.

      Bottom line: the president has to follow the law too.

      It wasn't enough for Ike to say, "I'm the commander in chief. Do this." He was saying, "I'm the commander in chief and the Constitution and the U.S. Code give me the authority to tell you to do this." No emotion, no persuasion, just the facts.

      Never hurts to list out your credentials. Even if you're the Europe-liberating, Nazi butt-kicking, WWII-winning POTUS.