Heart of Darkness Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Heart of Darkness? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is the name of the boat that our narrative starts out on?

The Lusitania
The Thames
The Nellie
The Kurtz
Q. Where is Heart of Darkness set?

Alexandria and London
On the Nile River and the Congo
Along the Rheine and Thames
On the Congo and the Thames
Q. In what time period is Heart of Darkness set?

Q. What sensation does Marlow have as he goes up the river in Africa?

He's falling in love with the landscape
He feels as if he's stepping back in time to an earlier Europe
He feels as if he's moving back into his own uneducated childhood
He feels determined to educate the people of Africa
Q. How does Marlow describe Africa?

As filled with sand and sun
As filled with life
As one of the dark places on earth
As lush and fertile