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The Grapes of Wrath Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Casy:] "Just Jim Casy now. Ain't got the call no more. Got a lot of sinful idears – but they seem kinda sensible." (4.15)

Casy seems to fight against the black-and-white, good-or-bad nature of religion. He likes to swim in the grey areas in between.

Quote #2

[Casy:] "I ain't preachin' no more much. The sperit ain't in the people much no more; and worse'n that, the sperit ain't in me no more. 'Course now an' again the sperit gets movin' an' I rip out a meetin', or when folks sets out food, I give 'em a grace, but my heart ain't in it. I on'y do it 'cause they expect it." (4.16)

How do people use religion in this novel? Does Casy become any less spiritual even though "the sperit" isn't in him anymore? Who do you think is the most spiritual character in The Grapes of Wrath?

Quote #3

[Casy:] "Here I got the sperit sometimes an' nothin' to preach about. I got the call to lead people, an' no place to lead 'em." (4.25)

Casy seems like a very wise character, a man full of interesting things to say. And yet, he is very quiet around the Joads. Unlike Ma Joad, who always seems to know what to do in a situation, Casy seems more perplexed. He thinks less about the details of life, and more about the larger philosophical questions that plague humans.