Gothic Literature: Gothic Obsessions: Themes and Symbols Quiz

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Gothic Literature? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Gothic Literature was an offshoot of what movement?

The Renaissance
The Enlightenment
Q. Forget community—who were Gothic writers interested in?

The Individual and Technology
The Individual and the Working Class
The Individual and Education
The Individual and Isolation
Q. You're not a Gothic hero until you're what type of hero?

Supernatural Hero
Fallen Hero
Unsung Hero
Comic Hero
Q. The most sophisticated Gothic tales blended what two otherworldly and worldly concepts?

The Supernatural and the Psychological
The Old and the New
Violence and Machinery
Reason and Religion
Q. Gothic writers wanted to capture the grandeur and ornate creepiness of what kind of architecture?

Renaissance Universities
Medieval Cathedrals
Victorian Mansions
Anglo-Saxon Mead Halls