Frankenstein's the original mad scientist, laughing maniacally and proclaiming that he's discovered the secrets of the universe. In fact, the film portrays him as mad precisely because he's a scientist; trying to discover those secrets of the universe makes you think you're godlike.
As soon as Frankenstein stops experimenting, he gets all sane and normal. Science; it's dangerous for the sanity, especially if you do your experiments in a scary old castle.
Questions about Madness
- Is Dr. Waldman sane? Or does he also go a little mad in the pursuit of science? Explain your answer.
- Is the monster mad? Explain your answer.
- If Frankenstein's mad, does that mean he's not responsible for creating the monster? Or does he choose madness? Explain your answer.
Chew on This
Frankenstein isn't mad; he just sees more clearly than the other characters.
Frankenstein's mad because he sees more clearly than the other characters.