Ellis Island Era Immigration Movies & TV

John Turturo, Gabriel Byrne, and Steve Buscemi star in this Prohibition-era crime thriller about rival East Coast gangs, one led by an aging Irish immigrant and another led by a young Italian, warring for control over the illicit alcohol trade. If you're over 17 and you can stomach gruesome violence, Miller's Crossing is a must-see.

Before we tell you anything about The Godfather part deux, we must insist that you go immediately to the nearest video store to rent and then watch the first Godfather film. Don't worry, we'll wait. Good. Now that you're all caught up on the saga of Mafia chief Michael Corleone, you're ready for the backstory. This second installment of the Godfather trilogy chronicles the life of Vito Corleone, Michael's father, from his youth in Sicily to his adult life as an Italian immigrant in Prohibition-era New York—where the family business all began.

Based on a novel entitled Mama's Bank Account, I Remember Mama chronicles the lives of Norweigan immigrants struggling to make ends meet in turn-of-the-century San Francisco.

If you only see one film featuring the incomparable comedic mime Charlie Chaplin, see The Immigrant. Not only is this classic silent film full of Chaplin's signature gaffes and gestures, but it features the actor's bittersweet and heartfelt interpretation of the challenges facing new immigrants.