Civil Rights Movement: "Black Power" Era Images

An editorial cartoon showing an African-American man being pushed into the street by a white businessman. Signs on the establishments behind them show that "Housing," "School," "Public accommodations," and "Job opportunities" are all "Restricted," c. 1963.

In San Francisco, California, Ku Klux Klan members support Barry Goldwater's campaign for president outside the Republican National Convention on July 12th, 1964.

The aftermath of rioting in Rochester, New York in July 1964.

A KKK sniper murdered Viola Liuzzo, a white civil rights worker, while she drove marchers home on March 25th, 1965.

During riots in Watts, California, a man is dragged into a police car while reporters stand by. An original newspaper caption read, "Policemen force a rioter here into a police car during second night in a row of rioting. The rioters, led by a hard core of 300 hoodlums, were controlled by heavily armed police."

Buildings burn on Avalon Boulevard in the Watts section of Los Angeles during rioting in August 1965.

A National Guardsman patrols an intersection in Washington, D.C. during rioting in April 1968.

Actor Marlon Brando and Black Panthers at the funeral for Bobby Hutton, 17, killed by Oakland police during a shootout, April 1968.

In Washington, D.C., a flyer promotes a holiday to honor the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., April 3rd, 1969.