Symbols and Tropes

Symbols and Tropes

Tyrell's Pyramid

Dr. Eldon Tyrell lives in a penthouse at the top of a giant pyramid—the headquarters of the Tyrell Corporation, the company responsible for manufacturing the replicants. In style, the pyramid is...

The Snake

When Deckard pursues the replicant Zhora, a snake scale he finds in a drain eventually leads him to a cabaret where he finds her performing a seductive dance with a snake. (It's not a "real" snake:...

The Owl

There's an owl in Tyrell's penthouse, but it's not an actual, natural owl. Like the replicants, it's artificial, even if it is an exact copy. You can tell that it's manufactured because the lenses...

Fake Family Pictures

Leon and Rachael both have fake family pictures to go along with their fake implanted memories… and so, perhaps, does Deckard, if he really is a replicant himself. In Rachael's case, her memories...

Matchstick Man

While Deckard and Gaff are investigating Leon's apartment, Gaff creates a little stick figure out of some matchsticks and leaves it seated on a table. It's a symbol—and perhaps a clue to Deckard....

The Unicorn

The unicorn didn't actually appear in the original theatrical release of the movie; it only appeared in later versions, like 2007's The Final Cut. All we see in the original is the origami unicorn...


Eyes show up a lot in Blade Runner. We get to see the fake lenses shining in the eyes of the replicants—and in the eyes of an artificial owl. We see the hellish L.A. landscape reflected in an eye...

Fallen Angels

When Roy and Leon arrive at the eye lab run by Hannibal Chew, Roy quotes the famous British poet and visionary William Blake—or, actually, he misquotes him: "Fiery the angels fell; deep thunder r...

Methuselah Syndrome

When Pris and Roy seek out the genetic designer J. F. Sebastian, they discover that he has a glandular condition called "Methuselah Syndrome," which causes him to age prematurely. Naturally, they s...

The Nail and the Dove

At the end of the movie, Roy Batty goes from being an apparently haywire maniac to being a Christ-figure. He pushes a symbolic nail through one of his hands before sparing Rick Deckard's life, and...

Deckard: Human or Replicant?

If you're in the mood to start a serious Internet flame war, step into any science fiction forum, drop this question, then run away fast: Is Deckard a human or a Replicant?Movie geeks of all stripe...