Critics have said that if Arthur Miller had never written anything but Death of a Salesman, he would still be considered a great playwright. The tragedy of Willie Loman is a monument to the disappointments of the American Dream. This play won more awards, including a Tony and Pulitzer, than any of Miller's other works.

Miller's play about the Salem Witch Trials premiered as America was undergoing its own sort of witch hunt, with Senator Joseph McCarthy destroying lives in search of suspected communists. The real-life parallels are fascinating, but on its own The Crucible is a wrenching look at desire, fear, loyalty and courage.

In his autobiography, Miller tells his own story with as much drama and emotion as he did his plays. The playwright addresses his personal and professional life, as well as the political battles and fascinating public figures he encountered in his long career.

An excellent biography that addresses in detail Miller's life and his plays. Brater, a professor of English and theater at Miller's alma mater Michigan, traces Miller's career from his humble New York roots to the center of a national political storm.

Bigsby, Miller's authorized biographer, compiled these remembrances from actors, writers and others following Miller's death in 2005. The book offers insight into Miller from the point of view of those who knew him best.

Schrecker's book has been called the best single-volume explanation of the McCarthy phenomenon and its impact on the United States. Hope she stuck that on her LinkedIn.