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Absalom, Absalom! Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

So doubtless General Compson was the first man in the county to tell himself that Sutpen did not need to borrow money with which to complete the house, supply what it lacked, because he intended to marry it. (2.9)

General Compson is one of the few people with genuine insight into Sutpen. He sees that, having spent everything on building the house, Sutpen will now find a wife to supply the money for its completion. Hey, everyone has a dream.

Quote #2

[…] and the man who owned all the land […] lived in the biggest house [Sutpen] had ever seen. (7.5)

Sutpen as a kid… weird. In any case, Sutpen's experiences as a poor child living on a huge plantation are formative. He never forgets the wealth and privilege he sees, and its pursuit becomes his one and only dream. And as we learn, he'll do anything to achieve that dream.

Quote #3

"What I learned was that there was a place called the West Indies to which poor men went in ships and became rich, it didn't matter how, so long as that man was clever and courageous." (7.10)

Sutpen recalls his brief education and how he learned about the West Indies. With barely a notion of where the West Indies were, he set off determined to realize for himself the stories of great wealth that were associated with the islands.