Saint Norbert College

About Me
You ask what I'm all about, and I say, communio. You say you don't know what that means, and I say, communio.
Don't worry, I'll teach you. There's nothing I like more than welcoming people into my home and offering them the best of what I've got: learning. I am a school, after all.
I was founded back in ye olde days by Norbertine brothers (don't call them monks, because they're not, and they get totally peeved when you mix it up) and I'd say I'm pretty proud of my heritage. They aren't in charge of me anymore, but you'll still see them around campus.
I'm a Catholic college, but don't hit that panic button just yet. I offer science majors. My Muslim students have a prayer room in the library so that they don't have to run back to their dorms in between classes. I've even got a small-but-enthusiastic chapter of the Rainbow Alliance. I like to think of religion as a tool that can help make your whole life better. My students are cared for in every aspect of their lives: intellectual, social, emotional, and, yes, spiritual.
It all comes back to communio. Communio, communio, communio…
Okay, it means "community." Was it really that tough to guess?
Norby Knight
De Pere, Wisconsin. I'm a classy little collection of red brick buildings nestled in one of the Fox River's curves, just ten minutes away from Lambeau Field. I'm also close to the greater Green Bay area, Appleton, and the almost too picturesque Door County Peninsula. But let's face it…everyone's really here for the NFL stadium.
1898. Some Norbertines were sent over to shut down heresy and decided that they liked it enough to settle down.
Body Type
I've got about 2,160 undergrad students and a 14:1 student-teacher ratio. My average class size is a comfortable twenty-one students, or about two desks per person. There's plenty of elbow room to go around, both in the classroom and on the 93-acre campus.
Current Living Situation
Underclassmen have to live in dorms. That's my rule, and I'm sticking to it. It's important to me that you all get to know each other.
In the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that the dorms tend to be…cozy. To use a real estate agent parlance, they also have a very…quaint décor. To put it more simply, they're cramped and were built in the seventies. So…lots of yellow and brown.
All the dorms are co-ed except for Sensenbrenner, which is girls-only. Freshies who are in the Honors program are supposed to all be in Bergstrom, but the Honors program is big and Bergstrom is small. The overflow usually goes next door into Mad-Lor. (Hey, that rhymes.)
Once you're an upperclassman, the world of dorm-less housing opens up at your feet, and it is (mostly) glorious. You can move into an on-campus apartment or a campus-owned house. If you're really ambitious, you can seek out a place of your own. The on-campus apartments in Gries Hall are everything you've ever wanted in life, while the Riverside and Vander Zanden apartments are moldering old caverns.
Okay, so they're not really caverns, but once you've had a taste of the clean, spacious, brand-spanking-new paradise that is your own room in a Gries apartment, everything else seems like…less.
Relationship Status
College rivals? Please. I've got bigger fish to fry than that. I've kind of adopted the Green Bay Packers as my second football team and I love them more than words could ever express. Come in on game day and you'll be hard-pressed to find somebody who isn't wearing an Aaron Rodgers jersey and gnawing anxiously on their green-and-gold fingernails as they count down the seconds until the game starts. Phew.
I've got a chill (yet pervasive) Catholic vibe. Nobody's going to force you to go to church or picket your dorm trying to get you to convert from your heathen ways, but at the same time, it can be really hard to escape the religious cloud that hovers over the campus.
I'm on the liberal side of conservative. The College Democrats and College Republicans both have a foothold on campus and they get along pretty well. There's a Pro-Life Week every semester, but most people just think of it as "free cupcake week." Yep, my idea of aggressively promoting a political agenda is to smile and hand out cupcakes, donuts, and coffee to passersby on their way to 9:00AM classes.
You should apply to me if...
you love cold weather, personal attention, and the NFL.