San Francisco State University

About Me
You might have read about me in Forbes a few times by now, mainly because of my awesome location. Yep, one of the best things about me is that I'm located in one of the coolest cities in the U.S.
No, seriously, it gets pretty foggy most of the time.
You'll also totally get a good glutes workout living here. I've got curves (or hills) as far as the eye can see. San Francisco is chock-full of different cultures, sub-cultures, scenes, and crowds. Oh, and it doesn't hurt that my alumni are high up there on the most datable in the U.S.—thanks again, Forbes.
But don't take my free spirit with a grain of salt—everyone here gets down to business around finals time. With my new library, you'll never have to wait for a space to study your face off (or cram, whatever your style is).
Not to mention I'm home to some familiar Internet faces (Firefox, Amazon, Reddit). I also cater to those of you wanting to get into the corporate world ASAP at my sleek downtown campus. I'll hook you up with start-up companies around the Bay Area, and some killer businesses located in the heart of the Financial District.
So yeah, I'm kind of a big deal. After all, I'm known in Northern California as "the city." Yes, the city.
The Gator. Seriously, its just "The Gator."
San Francisco, California, unofficial home of hipsters, hippies, coffee shops, and special diets—where the hills are too steep to see the top of, and everyone has cool facial hair. Yes, everyone.
Body Type
Yeah, I'm on the heftier side, but that just means I've got more to love. I got really popular when Forbes named San Francisco the number one city to live in in all of the United States—a well-deserved title, despite the whole "not having enough water" thing. Good thing there's plenty of coffee here, right?
Weighing in at about 30,000 undergrads and 4,000 graduates, I'm sure glad I have a dope downtown campus, too. Nothing's more unflattering than busting at the seams.
Current Living Situation
If you're a freshman, I recommend living in the dorms. Even with five dorm buildings, I don't have room for everyone…so you'd better fill out those housing applications ASAP. True, I might not be a five-star resort, but hey, is that ever the case with college dorms?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Living in the dorms freshman year is crucial for your social growth and development. In the short time you're in the dorms, you'll meet the people you'll pretty much want to hangout with…forever. Forever ever.
I mean, come on. You'll never become a social butterfly if you're cocooned inside your ritzy studio apartment with central heating, a private bathroom, room to stretch out, a full kitchen where you can cook non-ramen meals and keep raw produce as opposed to buying pre-packaged, frozen TV dinners…wait, where was I?
Ah, yes. Dorms. Right on.
If you don't get a spot in my dorms, don't trip. I have plenty of housing nearby in the lovely Park Merced Apartments. Nothing quite says "adult " like signing a rental agreement.
Also, keep in mind that this is California. Rent will not be reasonably priced.
Relationship Status
I'm pretty much liked by everyone. I'm a lover, not a fighter. After all, the Summer of Love in 1967 did mainly take place in good ol' San Francisco.
I'm not tied down to one religion. I like all faiths here, and there are plenty of religious accommodations on campus.
My students are pretty liberal here. If you're super conservative, I'm not really sure what you're doing in San Francisco, let alone California. Don't worry, though—we won't hate you if you are. Everyone's welcome here.
You should apply to me if...
you love a creative, colorful atmosphere, good coffee, and the hottest new apps. I'm in San Francisco. I'm practically the new Silicon Valley.