"Shmoop's analytics make it really easy to see what's going on with my class so I can address the needs of every student."
- Librarans' Internet Index (lii.org)
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As plain as the nose on our face...We speak student.
Give your students a triple shot espresso of knowledge (but without the shakes).
All the essentials plus the crazy fun stuff.
Understand what's happening in your school or district at a glance.
In case you've been wondering, studying on Shmoop yields big results.
Embed Shmoop in your LMS just the way you like it.
Shmoop's game-changing analytics feature comes with every paid product. Administrators are finally able to spot district- and school-wide problem areas at a glance to help reallocate the proper resources and provide effective solutions.
Our progress breakdown is color-coded so that teachers can see where students are struggling and where they're soaring. That makes it easy for teachers to identify trouble areas, personalize lesson plans to overcome those issues, and help their students get back on the road to academic awesomeness.
Shmoop's Gradebook breaks down student assessment so that teachers can refocus their students in real time and point them toward success. Our full report shows teachers students' best performance on individual drills and exams, and also allows them to print or download students' scores for their own (mostly) benign purposes.
Administrators can dig down or zoom out to see performance at different levels of their organization. Whether they're looking at the district overall or want to compare school, teacher, or classroom progress, our Analytics allow them to figure out what's happening and where.
Our exam breakdown module is available for administrators to see which Shmoop product is getting the most love in classrooms. Teachers, administrators, and principals can also drill down to see the number of completed problem sets, scored practice tests, and time spent by each student. Our analytics is designed to help teachers create personalized programs for students after spotting specific opportunities to excel through our simple to use, color-coded interface.
"Shmoop's analytics make it really easy to see what's going on with my class so I can address the needs of every student."
- Librarans' Internet Index (lii.org)
Lots of students? No problem! We've determined that one of our brilliant sales elves can save you precious moolah on your order. Drop us a line below and we will get in touch with you about your Shmoopy needs in the flashes of flashes.
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