What are classrooms?
Shmoop classrooms are exactly what they sound like...except without the walls, desks, chairs, and occasional paper airplanes flying through the room.
If your Shmoop account is connected to a content license (you know who you are), you have access to our premium test prep courses for the SAT, ACT, SAT Subject Tests, and AP exams. You also have the ability to create classrooms.
As a verified teacher, you can invite students into the classroom. Once a student joins your classroom, you will be able to monitor their progress in your classroom through detailed real-time reports.
How do I invite students into my classroom?
After you create your classroom, you have two options:
1. Send e-mail invites to each of your students, giving them access to your classroom and course materials.
2. Give students your e-mail address and special classroom code so they can request to join your class. On your classroom page, you will be able to accept and reject (hopefully not reject) any requests.
What do I do if my students didn't receive an invitation e-mail?
You have two choices here:
1. Ask your students to check their spam folder in the event your invitation didn't make it through the filter.
2. If you are setting up your classroom in school with your students present, walk them through the process described in next section.
Instead of an e-mail invitation, can a student request to be added to my class?
Yep. If you are in a classroom with your students, this is a convenient option.
You need two things:
1. Your classroom code. Look for the code on your classroom page. It is a string of 5 numbers or letters.
2. The e-mail address on your Shmoop account.
If your students are already signed up for Shmoop, they can log in to their accounts and click on the "Join Classroom" button. They will be asked to enter both the classroom code and e-mail address to join the class. You should then receive a request for your student on your classroom page.
What is my classroom code?
Your classroom code is a string of 5 numbers or letters that uniquely identifies your classroom.
Why can't I change my school or course?
To use classrooms, your account needs to be linked to a content license. Your content license connects you to a set of course materials that you can find on your Test Prep Passes page and Teacher Passes page. It also connects you to a list of other schools that have Shmoop licenses. That's right. We make sure to dot our t's and cross our i's here at Shmoop University. Wait...yeah.
How do I remove students?
Look for the "edit classroom" link on your classroom page. There should be a scary-looking red X next to each student's name. Clicking on that X will remove the student from your class. Virtually, of course.
How do I delete my classroom?
Head back over to the "edit classroom" link on your classroom page. Once you click on it, you will see a button at the bottom of the page that says "remove classroom." You can take it from there. (We're just hoping you don't need to go there.)
What are analytics?
When you buy a license from us you get access to analytics data on how your students are using the test prep.
What does analytics show?
You get all these amazing features to stay on top of your new Shmoop license:
- A summary page for all products.
- The total number of students who have registered under the content license.
- The expiration date of your content license.
- The total number of practice exams taken.
- The total number of review topics read.
- The total number of Shmoints earned and a pie chart distribution.
- An aggregate overview of student performance on the SAT and ACT.
- The percentage of correct answers your students are getting through the diagnostics, drills, and practice exams.
- An aggregate skills page showing a more detailed analysis of student progress. Skills for SAT and ACT.