Sarah Lawrence College

About Me
If you've heard that I'm alternative, quirky, intelligent, prone to procrastination, drawn to the stage, and overloaded with work at times (especially conference week, oh my Buddha), I'm here to tell you…that's all truth, and with a capital "t." Although, it's not quite how I would describe myself. No, no, not at all.
I'd call myself a haven for feisty misfit intellectuals and creatives, peppered with tiny doses of normalcy. Yeah, that's about right.
People who fit that description are usually the same people who don't mind the fact that I don't exactly have majors here…I have a conference system instead (more about that later). You can also look forward to only having to deal with three classes per semester. I want my students to be able to actually focus on the classes they're in. You can study theater, medicine, anthropology, fashion history, and psychology—all in equal measure.
I will say, however, that if you really enjoy rare doses of normalcy, you can instigate more of them yourself. For example, eat a burger in the dining hall—that's pretty normal. Or drink coffee instead of RedBull—also normal, but somewhat unwise if you ask me. Coffee alone doesn't quite do the trick for a marathon seventy-two-hour study sesh.
Most of me is pretty weird, though. So if you like putting Frosted Flakes in your ice cream or juggling Beanie Babies in your skivvies, come check me out. We're probably a perfect match.
Gryphon. What in all the earth and stars is that, you ask? Gryphon, a derivative of the word "griffin," is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head, wings, and forelegs of an eagle. How's that for alternative?
Bronxville, New York. Nope, not the Bronx. I'm not that cool. Bronxville is a village that's basically indistinguishable from Yonkers, New York, which definitely confuses cabbies.
Body Type
Skinny jeans and black sweaters, hipster glasses and heeled boots (with the fur). Hearts and brains on our sleeves, my student body is an eccentric bunch. It's said that "at Sarah Lawrence, even the squirrels wear black and smoke a pack a day," which might be true (about their fur, anyway).
There are plenty of exceptions around, though; I try not to be too homogenous. I'm complex, like Adam Sandler reading love poems. (Funny guy? Romantic? Who knows?)
I'm small and unique, statistically speaking—I've got 1,300 undergraduate students and 350 graduate students, with a 10:1 student-faculty ratio. Students here easily get twice the amount of contact as they would at most other institutions.
In fact, I wouldn't even call myself an institution so much as a place to release your inner gryphon. Aw yeah.
Current Living Situation
As in most collegiate situations, students tend to live on campus for their first couple of years here, but…there are always exceptions. This is New York, after all. There are tons of apartment buildings to check out.
But assuming that you don't want to be an exception, there's Dudley Lawrence, McCracken, Titsworth (settle down), and Slonim residence halls on campus. Dudley, McCracken, and Titsworth rooms are "suite-style," each with a single bathroom, and Slonim House is a two-story building with a mix of single and double rooms.
Hill House is off campus and best for a more solitary (coughreclusivecough) experience and a nice, rejuvenating walk to campus (five to ten minutes). Yep, these apartments have lots of legroom to flaunt.
Also, for you environmentally aware lovelies, Warren Green, the first sustainable house at Sarah Lawrence, houses thirteen of my SLC-ers who want to commit to environmental friendliness. Warren Green is complete with solar panels, a community garden, and energy-efficient appliances.
Relationship Status
Hmm, well…none, given that I don't have a Greek life and athletics barely matter at all to most of my students—although, I do have a mighty fine sports facility now. So yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say I don't really have a relationship status. Which is not to say I don't have relationships, of course. It's just that I don't like labels. I'm sure you're not surprised by this.
Lefty loosy.
You should apply to me if...
you're an oddball-creative type who wants an alternative college experience.