Northwestern University

About Me
If you go to Northwestern, you're bound to hear "Nerdwestern" at some point in your college career. Let's face it. We're a bunch of smart cookies, and we don't mind telling you about it. We've got a heavy workload and our professors expect good results. It's pretty tough to get that golden "A" in classes here.
That might be why people call us nerds, but hey, I just take it all in stride. I've got thicker skin than that, so I don't let the little things bug me. My students may have a reputation for being upper-class and privileged, but they know how to work when it matters. Plus, there's no one else who wears team colors quite like Northwestern students.
Why? Our teams aren't always winners, but we still support them on the field. We'll tackle anyone who says otherwise.
Willie the Wildcat, since my football players are exceptionally wild and cat-like. It just stuck.
Evanston, Illinois, just north of Chi-town
Body Type
My 8,000 students roam the 240-acre campus just north of the city of Evanston, or hop on over to my twenty-four-acre pad right in the heart of Chicago. The north campus may seem big, but you'll have access to shuttles to get you all over the place. There are even extra "Frostbite Shuttles" for when the weather gets down to the single digits.
Current Living Situation
Whether it's in Bobb-McCullough Hall (the party dorms) or the freshmen dorms, Elder Hall, most of my students live on campus for the first two to three years. Prices in Chicago are high, so they stick around for my more affordable living. The El (the elevated train) conveniently runs from me to everywhere else around the greater Chicago area. It's one of the best public transit systems in the United States.
Relationship Status
Naturally, my next-door neighbor is a huge rival. University of Illinois bugs me so much that we've even come up with a special Land of Lincoln Trophy for the winner of our football games against each other. The winner gets to (respectfully, yet menacingly) rub it in while the other team grumbles about waiting until the next game.
Okay, okay. I call myself Methodist because that's what my forefathers were, but I don't really practice or anything. I'm all about diversity. If you want to worship another deity, go right ahead.
I'll put it this way. I'm a liberal arts university in the middle of leftist Chicago. Yep, I'm pretty liberal. You won't find my politics too intense on campus, though. Most of my students are open-minded, with a slightly left slant. There are some right-wingers that come from the suburbs around Chicago, but we try our best not frighten them with our kooky ways.
You should apply to me if...
you're willing to wear your Wildcat jersey with pride, even when we lose (which is a lot of the time).