Middlebury College

About Me
Everyone always thinks of me as super preppy—and yes, I can pull out my lax, bro side when I need to. But when it comes down to it, I'm crunchy at heart. I'm obsessed with the environment (check out my award-winning Solar Decathlon house), and environmental sciences is one of my most popular majors. Bottom line: I plan to save the world, one carbon footprint at a time.
Non-locals don't always recognize me, but let me tell you: I'm a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the liberal arts. I'm always ranked in the top five or ten schools in the country, and my 18% acceptance rate speaks for itself. (Oh yeah, I can be a little braggy sometimes, too.)
But even though I'm a smartypants, I'm still a total people person—community is number one.
I just go by my animal type, the Middlebury Panther.
Middlebury, Vermont (a.k.a. TheMiddleofNowheresville)
Body Type
I have about 2,500 students. You might call it small, but I call it cozy. My campus is tiny, too, so people tend to walk all over me—literally. No bikes needed here.
Current Living Situation
On-campus dorms. I've hopped around between singles, doubles, and suites—but they're all part of the Commons system, so it's never lacking in community.
Relationship Status
It's complicated with Williams. I'm obsessed with him, but he's not really into me.
I'm pretty liberal, but no more than every other small liberal arts school in the country.
You should apply to me if...
you're a stellar student with a heart of gold…and a really high-quality winter jacket.