Hunter College

About Me
A'ight, if for some reason you've heard I'm ugly, or easy, or "the place people go if they can't get into Columbia," lemme just say: I'm not just in the heart of New York City, baby, I am the heart of New York City.
New. York. City.
That place featured in more than a million songs. Probably more than a billion. I haven't technically counted, but why don't you try. Go ahead, I dare ya. From Louis Armstrong to Billy Joel to Alice Cooper—you'll be counting so long you'll miss the chance to do anything with your life.
Your college graduate friends will have to slip you PB&J sandwiches under your door when you're eighty years old, sitting with your rusty, trusty laptop from 2014, still counting.
Just take my word for it. New York City inspires, and I know this city, son.
Ugly, easy, not Columbia? Not exactly. I just love the grit, the soul of the pavement, the waiters, house cleaners, and baristas who take night classes or weekend classes or work nights and weekends so they can be full-time students. I open my doors to potential and desire. People come to me for top-notch programs in education, nursing, and social work for a fraction of the price they'd pay anywhere else.
I get recognized every year for being one of the best value colleges around, and I'm proud of it.
I'm not just any New York City song over here at 68th and Lexington Ave (don't even think about it, Taylor Swift)—I'm Empire State of Mind, the Jay-Z version.
Hawks. Careful lookin' us in the eyes.
Hint 1: If I can make it here I can make it anywhere.
Hint 2: Concrete jungle where dreams are made of
Hint 3: Tell by my attitude that I'm most definitely from…
68th Street and Lexington Avenue, New York, New YorkBirthdate
Body Type
Bulging biceps and smooth skin (makeup helps). We've got strength and beauty up in here—intellectually, of course.
The low-down on numbers: 23,000 students kick it in my classrooms, hungry for those undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 170 areas of study. Booyah.
Hope you like to move fast, because we do. We take the subway by the…horns? Poles? If you're timid about asking for what you want, I don't recommend heading to this campus, or to New York City at all, for that matter. The good news is that if you've got the guts to ask, my faculty answers with energy, compassion, and some serious smarts.
Current Living Situation
There are three residence halls around here: Brookdale Campus at East 25th street, the 92nd Street Residence on Lexington, and the 97th Street Residence on Third. Since there's a serious lack of affordable housing in New York City, the Office of Residence Life is flooded with way more requests for housing than can be filled.
Luckily, I'm super easy to access from all parts of the city using public transportation. I have my own subway stop on the 6-train—68th Street, Hunter College. F and E trains to and from Queens arrive and depart just blocks away from my front doors, and there's those cross-town buses for the west-siders.
I do my best to help you out, but ultimately…you're on your own with housing, kids. Well, unless you get lucky in the residence lottery. Or you're crazy determined. With superpowers. That would help.
Relationship Status
I have more important things to concentrate on in the concrete jungle than petty school rivalry—like trying the gyro or falafel from every food truck between here and 42nd street to determine which is the tastiest, or not getting run over by a cab.
I guess my real arch nemesis is any school not in New York City, because why would anyone want to be anywhere else? Everyone in those other parts of the country talk and talk about how they love it here—the Broadway shows, dance clubs, jazz bars, and museums. New York and I are practically married. Once you get here, you'll want to marry us, too.
You should apply to me if...
you've got a proud New York attitude and want top-notch education for a great deal.